
Posts Tagged ‘Gammon’

Sticky glazed gammon with creamy, mustard cabbage

We’re managing being stuck at home by keeping up our cooking routine and making something delicious to eat everyday. However, like many of the you, our budget has been restricted. So, we’re using everything up in the cupboards and buying good value items like gammon and a gigantic cabbage from our local farm shop which lasted us for days!

It’s also a good distraction from some of the daily events of the world to have to be creative with ingredients

Wine Suggestion: a light, juicy and relatively simple red works well with this. Tonight it’s the La Combe St Roche red from the Languedoc; an inexpensive and easy drinking blend of Grenache, Cinsault, Carignan and Merlot.

Sticky glazed gammon with creamy mustard cabbage – serves 2

  • ½ savoy cabbage, shredded
  • butter
  • unsmoked gammon steaks
  • 1 tbsp runny honey
  • a dash of Worcestershire sauce
  • 2 tbsp half-fat crème fraîche
  • 1 tbsp grainy mustard

Cook the cabbage in boiling salted water for a few minutes or until tender, then drain really well. Tip the cabbage out onto some kitchen roll to get rid of any extra moisture.

Heat a knob of butter in a large frying pan until foaming, then add the gammon and cook for 2 minutes on each side until golden. Add the honey and Worcestershire sauce, turn up the heat and continue to cook for another couple of minutes or until sticky and glazed.

Heat the crème fraîche and mustard in a pan, add the cabbage, heat until piping hot, then season. Spoon the cabbage unto plates and top with the gammon.

(Original recipe by Janine Ratcliffe in Olive Magazine, March 2016.)

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Gammon Egg & Chips

Not every meal needs to be fancy, but it does have to be tasty. Like this one was 🙂

Grilled ham, egg & chips – to serve 2

  • 2 large baking potatoes
  • 4 tbsp sunflower oil
  • pinch of  paprika
  • pinch of cayenne pepper
  • 2 gammon steaks
  • 2 eggs

Heat the oven to 200C/gas 6.

Cut the potatoes into chunky chips, put in a pan of salted water and bring to the boil. Simmer for 5 minutes or until slightly softened, then drain and steam-dry in the pot for a few minutes.

Pour 3 tbsp of the oil into a shallow baking tray and heat in the oven for 5 minutes. Toss the chips with the paprika, cayenne pepper and some salt. Tip the chips into the hot oil and bake for 40 minutes, tossing halfway through.

Before the chips are ready, cook the gammon slices on the barbecue or on a griddle pan. Use the last bit of oil to fry the eggs.

Serve the gammon steaks with an egg on top and some chips on the side.

Wine Suggestion: We probably wouldn’t have wine with this but if you’re in the mood you could try a light red that’s been slightly chilled.


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We have a tonne of recipe books, some we use all the time and some we use very seldom. For this reason we try to go to the shelves and deliberately choose something we haven’t cooked from for ages, or indeed never. This is how we ended up cooking this gammon dish, as Nigella Express has been neglected since well before Jono and Jules even met. Since 2007 to be precise when Jules cooked some cocktail sausages in honey, soy sauce and sesame oil and wrote “28.10.2007 Too sweet!!” beside the recipe. The comment beside this recipe is, “5.8.11 Really good!! Serve with new spuds + peas w/ Parmesan + cream” – which is much more positive and so we thought we would share it.

Nigella’s Gammon Steaks with Parsley – Serves 2

  • 2 tsp oil (Nigella suggests garlic oil but we didn’t have any and it didn’t seem to matter much)
  • 2 gammon steaks, around 200g each
  • 2 tbsp white wine vinegar
  • 4 tbsp water
  • lots of freshly ground pepper
  • 2 tsp honey
  • 4 tbsp parsley, roughly chopped

Heat the oil in a large, heavy-based frying pan and cook the gammon steaks for about 3 minutes on each side. Remove and keep warm.

Take the pan off the heat. Whisk the vinegar with the water, pepper and honey and throw into the hot pan along with most of the parsley. Stir to mix and make sure you scrape all the sticky bits of the bottom of the pan, then pour over the gammon steaks.

Sprinkle over the remaining parsley and serve.

P.S. Nigella suggest serving this with some frozen peas blended with a little Parmesan, pepper and Mascarpone. We blended ours with some Parmesan, pepper and double cream as that’s what we had.

(Original recipe from Nigella Lawson’s Nigella Express, published by Chatto and Windus.)

Wine Suggestion: Pick a lightly oaked and well balanced Chardonnay – you should get a wine with freshness and minerality as well as lovely ripe fruits and a good structure to hold it all together. If the wine is well made it won’t be too forceful rather it will have a structure to support and compliment the food. We drank the William Cole Columbine Reserve Chardonnay from Chile which went down a treat; really great value at €13.50 in Mitchells.

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Ginger beer & tangerine glazed ham (to serve 8 – we served 6 and had load of leftovers).

If you can get a mild-cured gammon which requires no soaking all the better. If not you will have to start this even earlier as your ham will need to be soaked overnight – ask your butcher’s advice when you’re buying. We used a 3kg mild-cure gammon but if yours is a different size allow 30 mins per 500g, plus an extra 20 mins.

Our advice is to boil the ham the day before and then you only have to do the glaze and bake it before serving.

3kg mild-cure gammon

1 onion, halved

3 tangerines, zest removed (reserve the juice if you want to cook the lentils above!)

4 star anise

2 litres ginger beer

For the glaze: 4 tbsp honey, 2 tbsp wholegrain mustard & a small handful of cloves (we forgot about the cloves and it was delicious anyway).

  • Put the gammon, onion, tangerine zest and star anise in a big pot. Pour over the ginger beer but keep back 100ml (make sure the gammon is just covered – top up with some water if you have to). Bring to the boil, skim the fat off the surface, reduce to a simmer, cover and cook for 3-3 1/2 hours. Remove it from the pan (and keep the liquor if you are going to do the lentil recipe). If you do this in advance you need to cool it and then cover and chill – bring back to room temperature before continuing.
  • Heat the oven to 200C (gas 7). Cut the skin off the gammon but leave a layer of fat. Lightly score the fat into diamond shapes. Put in a roasting tin lined with foil. Warm the honey, mustard and 100ml ginger beer and boil until it thickens. Spoon this over the fat, then stud each diamond with a clove. Bake for 20-25 minutes (or 30 -35 mins if you prepared it ahead).
  • Slice and serve warm or cold and serve with the beetroot, lentil and cauliflower recipes below.

Click here for the original recipe from BBC Good Food.

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